The data in this note reflect different sub-national geographic levels in OECD countries:
Regions are classified on two territorial levels reflecting the administrative organisation of countries: large regions (TL2) and small regions (TL3). Small regions are classified according to their access to metropolitan areas (Fadic et al. 2019).
Functional urban areas consist of cities – defined as densely populated local units with at least 50 000 inhabitants – and adjacent local units connected to the city (commuting zones) in terms of commuting flows (Dijkstra, Poelman, and Veneri 2019). Metropolitan areas refer to functional urban areas above 250 000 inhabitants.
In addition, some indicators use the degree of urbanisation classification (OECD et al. 2021), which defines three types of areas:
- Cities consist of contiguous grid cells that have a density of at least 1 500 inhabitants per km2 or are at least 50% built up, with a population of at least 50 000.
- Towns and semi-dense areas consist of contiguous grid cells with a density of at least 300 inhabitants per km2 and are at least 3% built up, with a total population of at least 5 000.
- Rural areas are cells that do not belong to a city or a town and semi-dense area. Most of these have a density below 300 inhabitants per km2.
Regional economic trends
Employment and unemployment rates in regions
In Austria, regional disparities in unemployment rates are stark compared to other OECD countries. While in Vienna 8.4% of the working force was unemployed in 2022Q2, the share was 2.3% in Upper Austria.
Meanwhile, the difference in employment rate between the regions with the highest (Salzburg) and lowest (Carinthia) employment rates reached 7 percentage points in 2022.
Note: Harmonised employment and unemployment rates, aged 15 and over. The OECD median corresponds to the median employment rate in large regions.
Source: OECD (2022), “Short-term regional statistics”, OECD Regional Statistics (database)
The first year of COVID-19 on GDP per capita
The first year of COVID-19 resulted in a decrease in GDP per capita in all Austrian regions. Tyrol, a region with a GDP per capita 4% above the national average (50 684 vs. 48 908 USD PPP), experienced the largest decrease in GDP among Austrian regions, of approximately -10%.